Mapas nítidos con R, ggplot2 y sf
Figuras espaciales con puntos y polígonos.
Personal site with research updates, blog posts, and bio.
Figuras espaciales con puntos y polígonos.
The results from crowd-sourcing a suitable term for a common spreadsheet practice.
Tidyng human-readable data by inserting suitable separators.
Cleaning data from the US Financial Disclosure Reports featured in the A.B. Tran and H. Wickham live data challenge.
Animated explanation of dplyr::top_n() and code to create the gif.
Using gganimate to animate the data-munging process.
A package to handle awkwardky-structured data with multiple header rows or values broken across multiple rows.
Wrangling grouped data with broken values and NA/empty rows per variable per group.