R teaching and training

This page covers the various R courses and workshops that I have either developed, taught, or helped with. If you need training in R-related topics in either English or Spanish, do not hesitate to contact me.

  • Since February of 2021 I am an RStudio Education Certified Trainer (tidyverse specialization). See my profile here.
  • As of June 2022 I am a certified Carpentries Instructor (Software Carpentry).

On demand courses

My Data Cleaning with R course is available through R for the Rest of Us.

This course covers the key stages for cleaning messy data efficiently, including:

  • Getting data into tidy format
  • Using regular expressions to deal with complex character data
  • Working with missing data
  • Identifyng and dealing with duplicate values
  • And much, much more!

Past courses, workshops, and tutorials

  • Regular Expressions and Working with Text Strings. Workshop for R-Ladies St. Louis. February 22, 2023.slides
  • Introducción a R mediante la visualización de datos. October 15 & 16, 2022. Chihuaha, Mexico.pre-conference workshop @ XV Congreso Nacional de Mastozoología. materials

  • Herramientas y atajos para programar eficientemente con Rstudio. October 10, 2022. Wokshop for LatinR 2022. slides

  • Getting the most out of R (2nd Edition)
    October 3-6 2022

Course overview: Many scientists start using R for very specific purposes with little training in computer science, data organization, and software development. Even advanced users may bypass important tools and abstractions which can ultimately lead to bad habits and wasting time. Get the most of R by exploring topics that usually fall outside of data analysis and visualization curricula. This course will cover blind spots in existing materials by working through the intermediate steps in various pairs of problems and solutions that often get overlooked because of assumed knowledge.

  • gg+: paquetes para extender las capacidades de ggplot2. Spanish-Language tutorial taught for LatinR 2021, 04/11/2021. materials

  • Disponibilidad del conocimiento científico y acceso abierto a código y datos de investigación. Spanish-language workshop for CAPES UC, Chile. Septiembre 2021. materials

  • Importando datos desde hojas de cálculo. 2020. Spanish-Language tutorial taught at LatinR 2020. materials. youtube

  • Limpieza, manipulación y transformación de datos en R. 2019. pre-conference workshop at IV Congreso Peruano de Mastozoología.
  • Visualización de datos y producción de figuras para publicaciones utilizando R y ggplot2. 2018. Pre-conference workshop at XIV Congreso Nacional de Mastozoología slides.

Teaching support at workshops

  • Package Development, taught by Hadley Wickham at LatinR 2019. October 2019.
  • How to repeat yourself with purrr, taught by Jenny Bryan at LatinR 2018. September 2018.