Cell and text formatting is everywhere
let’s work with it in R
R content
let’s work with it in R
Tools and packages for working with LMMs in R.
Mosaicos hexagonales en HTML con múltiples imágenes desde un directorio.
Hexagonal html tiles with all the images in a folder.
Recent releases
Putting information recorded in filenames into the data rectangle
Tackling problematic spreadsheets
Tidying data with problematic line breaks
Iteration made easy with purrr
Complete sequences from start and end values stored in separate columns
Exploring code comments about R package calls on GitHub
Useful function from unheadr for data cleaning
Creating waffle charts with ggsvg
Annotate R code with details on the packages being loaded
Tidy text manipulation and plotting.
Five tools to make R code cleaner and more reproducible.
Plotting Structure, DAPC, or Admixture results with ggplot2.
Utilizando el paquete rayshader para generar mapas fotorealistas a partir de objectos ggplot.
Using rayshader to render ggplot2 maps in 3D.
Command line tools + R to read large Global Fishing Watch data efficiently.
New Course Available - Clean your data more quickly and efficiently than ever before
Using R as a GIS - raster calculation (reclass, sum) and plotting.
Análsis espaciales con R - suma, reclasificación y visualización de rasters.
An example with NBA postseason data.
Data cleaning, Principal Component Analysis, and visualization of AoE2 data.
Flattening spreadsheet cell formatting to usable character strings.
Plotting how popularity rankings for dog breeds change through time, (p)updated for 2020.
Plotting seal observations in Antarctica with R and ggplot2.
Ilustrando la distribución de dos especies de focas antárticas con R y ggplot2.
RStudio addins to annotate R code with details on the packages being loaded
Rectangling formatted spreadsheet data
Verb-like function to identify and merge rows
Import and work with formatted spreadsheet data
Getting or calculating the values from an underlying raster using stars and sf
Plotting conditional inference trees with dichotomous responses in R, a grammar of graphics implementation
Plotting how popularity rankings for dog breeds change through time, (p)updated for 2019.
Plot models of population structure with ggplot for arbitrary values of K.
Find the most and least similar shot patterns for basketall players.
Follow up post - Download, plot, and animate per-game shooting data.
Download, plot, and animate per-game shooting data.
Quantify and plot spatially-intersecting features.
Digitizing and rectangling a restaurant menu.
ggplot2 alternatives to dynamite plunger plots
How was this not a thing already?
Pretty plotting of point and polygon features.
Figuras espaciales con puntos y polígonos.
Tidyng human-readable data by inserting suitable separators.
Cleaning data from the US Financial Disclosure Reports featured in the A.B. Tran and H. Wickham live data challenge.
Animated explanation of dplyr::top_n() and code to create the gif.
Using gganimate to animate the data-munging process.
A package to handle awkwardky-structured data with multiple header rows or values broken across multiple rows.
Wrangling grouped data with broken values and NA/empty rows per variable per group.
Extracting and wrangling data encoded as text formatting in multi-sheet Excel files.
Plotting how popularity rankings for dog breeds change through time.
Using tidy evaluation to fix values broken up across rows.
Omitting items from legends in ggplot2.
Manipulate and visualize data describing dog breeds and how they are related.
Split a table by a grouping variable, apply functions to each element, and export to separate files.
Downloading, comparing, and visualizing Twitter ratings for dogs and cats.
Wrangle duplicated variable names, weird header rows, and footnotes.
Plotting density distributions with the underlying data as a point swarm.
An R function to put interspersed header rows into their own column.
Wrangling commonly-used data formats. Part 2 - Compound values.
Wrangling commonly-used data formats. Part 1 - GenBank accession tables.
Recoding binary dummy variables into factors. Includes tidyverse and base R approaches.
Working with data describing dog breeds and how they are related.
Extracting dog names from tweets by WeRateDogs.
Text analysis applied to mammalian common names.
Using web scraping, raster objects and gridExtra to add images to your plots.
My take on the SkepticalScience global warming figure using ggplot, includes R code and data.
Extracting edge lengths from R phylo objects.
Matching taxonomic names; joint post with Manuela González-Suárez.
Using R and dplyr to extract minimum or maximum (or both) variable values within groups.
Making diverging stacked bar plots in R using ggplot.
Four ways to draw polygons around groups of points using ggplot2.
Measuring spatial overlap with point data.
Emoji flags, international research, and tweet analysis in R.
Manipulating variables and content in biodiversity datasets using base R and dplyr.
Visualizing grouped values using labeled side-by-side bars in ggplot2.
Summary and visualization of research effort for recently described species of terrestrial mammals. Includes R code and data.
Mapping spatial patterns in conservation research using R and ICCB 2011 presentation data.
Using R to fetch elevation for lat/long data through an API.
How long is the average section in a research article? Includes code for downloading and plotting data for five journals.
Example code for visualizing binary trees with dichotomous responses in R, focused on extinction risk modeling.
Summary of research presented at scientific meetings of the Mexican Mammalogy Society (AMMAC) 1991-2012.
Modeling IUCN Red List data as an ordered response variable. A reproducible #rstats example for terrestrial carnivores.