annotater 0.2.0
Roughly two years after the first release of a working version of annotater
, I’m happy to announce the release of version 0.2.0.
The backstory of the package is here, and since developing these functions I use them pretty much every time I share code.
In my opinion, this:
library(MCMCglmm) # CRAN v2.33
library(purrr) # CRAN v0.3.4
library(scico) # CRAN v1.3.0
library(forcats) # CRAN v0.5.1
library(ggplot2) # CRAN v3.3.5
library(ggridges) # CRAN v0.5.3
library(patchwork) # CRAN v1.1.1
Is preferable to this:
Also, the function annotation tools have been quite useful for teaching, collaborative work, and dealing with other people’s code.
library(readr) # read_csv
library(dplyr) # %>% select filter
dat <- read_csv("myfile.csv") %>% select(X1) %>% filter(X1>1)
annotater v0.2.0
Version 0.2.0 comes with support for package load calls using the p_load
function from pacman

Other minor fixes include support for indented library load calls (e.g., when they are inside a function definition; see below) and more unit tests.

Read more about annotater
in the dedicated packagedown site
Check out the code here
… and install from GitHub like so:
# install.packages("remotes")
I’m gearing up for a CRAN submission, so all testing and feedback is welcome.