Merging rows in R

Recently, I was tagged in a tweet seeking advice for rectangling a particularly messy data structure.

The data in question, and a nice way to restructure them are found in this gist. I could not come up with a general approach, but there were several helpful solutions in the replies to the tweet. This data structure is now described as an issue in the unpivotr repository by Duncan Garmonsway.

Although there wasn’t much I could do, I noted that the data had two issues relevant to my work with the unheadr package.

  • Small multiples (subsets of the same data stacked on top of each other)
  • Broken rows (values of two contiguous rows broken up and padded with empty or NA values)

star wars mess

These data helped me complete work on a function to merge rows in a data frame. The unbreak_rows() function is now part of unheadr. Essentially, rows (or sets of rows) that can be identified with a regular expression in any of the columns are merged into a single row. The values of the lagging rows are pasted onto the values in the leading row, whitespace is squished, and the lagging row is dropped.

Let’s try it out with an example using made up data about basketball records for different players and seasons.

v1 v2 v3
Player Most points Season
NA in a game (year ending)
Sleve McDichael 55 2001
Dean Wesrey 43 2000
Karl Dandleton 41 2002
NA Most varsity NA
NA games played NA
Mike Sernandez 111 2000
Glenallen Mixon 109 2002
Rey McSriff 104 2001
NA Most rebounds NA
NA in a game NA
Kevin Nogilny 24 2002
Karl Dandleton 21 2000
Todd Bonzalez 21 2001

This table has header rows embedded in the data, and for whatever reason the values are broken into separate cells. In this case, the variable v2 has a repeating pattern (“Most
”) that can be matched multiple times to identify the broken rows.

Let’s see:

# remotes::install_github("luisDVA/unheadr") # for the latest version

# set up the data
bball2 <-
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
    v1 = c(
      "Player", NA, "Sleve McDichael", "Dean Wesrey",
      "Karl Dandleton", NA, NA, "Mike Sernandez",
      "Glenallen Mixon", "Rey McSriff", NA, NA, "Kevin Nogilny",
      "Karl Dandleton", "Todd Bonzalez"
    v2 = c(
      "Most points", "in a game", "55", "43", "41", "Most varsity",
      "games played", "111", "109", "104",
      "Most rebounds", "in a game", "24", "21", "21"
    v3 = c(
      "Season", "(year ending)", "2001", "2000", "2002", NA, NA,
      "2000", "2002", "2001", NA, NA, "2002", "2000",

Unbreaking the rows

unbreak_rows(tibble::as_tibble(bball2), "^Most", v2)

Gives us this:

v1 v2 v3
Player Most points in a game Season (year ending)
Sleve McDichael 55 2001
Dean Wesrey 43 2000
Karl Dandleton 41 2002
Most varsity games played
Mike Sernandez 111 2000
Glenallen Mixon 109 2002
Rey McSriff 104 2001
Most rebounds in a game
Kevin Nogilny 24 2002
Karl Dandleton 21 2000
Todd Bonzalez 21 2001

It may be a good idea to fill in the empty subheaders. This approach uses mutate_all() to conditionally replace the empty values in each column with the value in the first row.

unbreak_rows(tibble::as_tibble(bball2), "^Most", v2) %>%
  mutate_all(., ~ ifelse(. == "", .[1], .))
v1 v2 v3
Player Most points in a game Season (year ending)
Sleve McDichael 55 2001
Dean Wesrey 43 2000
Karl Dandleton 41 2002
Player Most varsity games played Season (year ending)
Mike Sernandez 111 2000
Glenallen Mixon 109 2002
Rey McSriff 104 2001
Player Most rebounds in a game Season (year ending)
Kevin Nogilny 24 2002
Karl Dandleton 21 2000
Todd Bonzalez 21 2001

To rectangle this set of small multiples, this next approach tags each one (type of sporting record) so they can be grouped and split for iterative cleaning of the variable names before a final join.

unbreak_rows(tibble::as_tibble(bball2), "Most", v2) %>%
  mutate_all(., ~ ifelse(. == "", .[1], .)) %>%
  mutate(award_label = ifelse(stringr::str_detect(v2, "^Most"), 1:1000, NA)) %>%
  fill(award_label) %>%
  group_split(award_label) %>%
  map(select, -award_label) %>%
  map(~ setNames(.x, .x[1, ])) %>%
  map(slice, -1) %>%
  reduce(full_join) %>%
  select(-`Season (year ending)`, everything())

A tidier version of the data:

Player Most points in a game Most varsity games played Most rebounds in a game Season (year ending)
Sleve McDichael 55 NA NA 2001
Dean Wesrey 43 NA NA 2000
Karl Dandleton 41 NA NA 2002
Mike Sernandez NA 111 NA 2000
Glenallen Mixon NA 109 NA 2002
Rey McSriff NA 104 NA 2001
Kevin Nogilny NA NA 24 2002
Karl Dandleton NA NA 21 2000
Todd Bonzalez NA NA 21 2001

Is this helpful? let me know 🧐