R teaching and training
This page covers the various R courses and workshops that I have either developed, taught, or helped with. If you need training in R-related topics in either English or Spanish, do not hesitate to contact me.
- Since February of 2021 I am an RStudio Education Certified Trainer (
specialization). See my profile here. - As of June 2022 I am a certified Carpentries Instructor (Software Carpentry).
- rOpenSci Champions program mentor.
On demand courses
My Data Cleaning with R course is available through R for the Rest of Us.
This course covers the key stages for cleaning messy data efficiently, including:
- Getting data into tidy format
- Using regular expressions to deal with complex character data
- Working with missing data
- Identifying and dealing with duplicate values
- And much, much more!
Past courses, workshops, and tutorials
A practical introduction to R. Physalia Courses. 2-4 September 2024.
Hands-On Data Manipulation and Visualization with the tidyverse and ggplot2. November 2023. Evolmar conference.
Introducción práctica a la programación en R. Physalia courses. 28-31 August 2023.
Herramientas para el manejo de datos de biodiversidad en R. 5-day postgraduate course. 2023 & 2024.
Regular Expressions and Working with Text Strings. Workshop for R-Ladies St. Louis. February 22, 2023.slides

Introducción a R mediante la visualización de datos. October 15 & 16, 2022. Chihuaha, Mexico.pre-conference workshop @ XV Congreso Nacional de Mastozoología. materials
Herramientas y atajos para programar eficientemente con Rstudio. October 10, 2022. Wokshop for LatinR 2022. slides
Getting the most out of R. Physalia Courses. (2nd Edition)
October 3-6 2022 -
Getting the most out of R. 4-day intensive course for Physalia Courses, February 2022 - 18 attendees from 10 countries. materials

gg+: paquetes para extender las capacidades de
. Spanish-Language tutorial taught for LatinR 2021, 04/11/2021. materials -
Disponibilidad del conocimiento científico y acceso abierto a código y datos de investigación. Spanish-language workshop for CAPES UC, Chile. Septiembre 2021. materials
Importando datos desde hojas de cálculo. 2020. Spanish-Language tutorial taught at LatinR 2020. materials. youtube
- Limpieza, manipulación y transformación de datos en R. 2019. pre-conference workshop at IV Congreso Peruano de Mastozoología.
- Visualización de datos y producción de figuras para publicaciones utilizando R y ggplot2. 2018. Pre-conference workshop at XIV Congreso Nacional de Mastozoología slides.

Teaching support at workshops
- Machine Learning with tidymodels, taught by Max Kuhn and Hannah Frick at LatinR 2023. October 2023.
- Package Development, taught by Hadley Wickham at LatinR 2019. October 2019.
- How to repeat yourself with purrr, taught by Jenny Bryan at LatinR 2018. September 2018.